Saturday, November 19, 2011

Harold & Kumar escape from Guantanamo bay (2008)

In my previous article about the last Harold's and Kumar's adventures, after the happy ending where we found our heroes enjoying their meal at the White Castle, Harold finally spoke to Maria and expressed his feelings towards her. So on this sequel, Harold and Kumar decide to go to Amsterdam because Harold doesn't want to wait ten days to see Maria again. But on the plane, they will be accused as terrorists due to Kumar's childish behavior who started smoking weed into the cabinet. So they will be arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay. But hopefully they will escape before trying the horrifying cock-sandwich and they stop by a friend in Florida asking for help. They will continue their trip to Texas in order to find Kumar's ex-girlfriend's fiancé, Colton, and try to prove their innocence. But Kolton is ruthless and will lead them back to the blind justice of racist agent Ron Fox who actually wants them dead. Once more our fellow guys will face racism, ignorance and despair but they will finally gain freedom. And of course Neil Patrick Harris will be there one more time for them. More hilarious than the prequel this film is just a huge comedy. John Cho and Kal Penn are good actors and the script is working correctly as well. Enjoy and laugh loud!

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