Betrayal between family members, betrayal between common people of different political areas. betrayal between lovers...
Renowned psychiatrist Pavel Josek is hiding a secret about his daughter and his woman's ex.
He used to be known as the righteous and honest scientist.
But when Ludek who is married with Pavel's daughter Lucie, cheats on her she will find it out. After that he will want to destroy her family happiness.
So he will find that Pavel was connecting with National secret agencies and was not as moral as he should be.
Pavel was responsible for Borek's force emigration and he kept his wife and child.
Secrets will be no more hidden and the reactions among Pavel's family will appear soon. This extraordinary film from Czech director Jan Hrebejk tells everything about betrayal.
It is fairly proposed as Czech's official suggestion for the 2011 Academy awards at the Foreign Language film section.
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